30 Days with God - Day 1
Today did not quite go as planned. I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting for the day, but it wasn't quite like the day that ensued. 

That being said, it wasn't what I'd consider a bad day either. 

Today definitely had a rough start and several of the days leading up to this day have been full of challenges carrying a mixed bag of disappointment, perceived defeat, fear, courage, new beginnings, ideas, decisions (LOTS of them) and lessons. I decided to trust God was working, but it didn't feel like it at first. I'm glad I didn't give up when it didn't feel like it because along the way, I discovered more courage, answers, encouragement, support from others, vision, clarity and ultimately empowerment. If I'd given up the other day, I might not have discovered the strength that already existed within me having been created for just this moment. 

Have you ever considered the idea that there is untapped potential that is a part of you just waiting for you to have faith enough to exercise it? 

That brings me to today. I had fully intended to pick a scripture at the beginning of each day to ponder throughout the day, but today, scripture found me. From the back of my memory, I was reminded of several verses as the events of the day presented themselves. Here are a few: 

"Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." - I Thessalonians 5:18 (HCSB)

"A friend loves at all times ..." - Proverbs 17:17a (NKJV)

"And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” - Esther 4:14b (ESV)

I'm not going to hash out a bunch of details surrounding these verses, but the day certainly could be summed up as filled with reminders of God's goodness and Divine guidance.  My prayers throughout the day, which were not structured at all but rather frequent and short, were centered on gratitude and asking God to provide answers, and He very much did. 

The 3rd element of the day ~ kindness ~ was not planned well either. In all the recent distractions, I hadn't taken a lot of time to consider an intentional act of kindness for the day, and yet, not surprisingly at all, I experienced several moments of both giving and receiving kindnesses. Funny how that works when we're focused on goodness.  

NOTHING about today felt structured or intentional as I had thought this day's journey might be, but maybe that's the point. Maybe life isn't so much about structured time of devotion, not that this is a bad thing, but maybe it's more about walking each moment in the way of God's goodness and guidance relying on faith for every step. 

1 Comment

  1. Bonnie Joy Carroll  04/02/2024 04:52 PM Central
    Trying to trust that God is working while it doesn't feel like it is how I get through most of my days lately. I am really hoping to see some evidence of Him working soon!
    Amy Gregory AUTHOR  04/02/2024 11:44 PM Central
    I know this feeling well. I will say a prayer tonight for you that you will see evidence in the midst of the challenges.

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