30 Days with God - Day 15
My mind feels like it's buzzing right now. I've been continuing to listen to the "Quantum Christianity: Believe Again" audio book that I mentioned a few days back, and I've taken in so much today that I feel like my thoughts still need some sorting before making total sense of them. It's been difficult for me to think of much else, though, so that's where I am tonight and from that place is where I'll share. 

This book has definitely landed in my lap at just the perfect time that I needed it. 

You see, it's because of my studying the natural world over the past several years that I've come back to a renewed faith in God. 

I'm not sure where my interest and love for all of this started because I've always loved the outdoors and to dig, rummage in nature, search out and scout for things like rocks, crystals, shells, sticks, etc. In more recent years with learning about more natural living and how that all works in tandem with our bodies, I've been blown away by what I've learned. It's fascinating stuff! With every new fact I've learned or experience I've had, I have continued to come to the realization that it's hard to deny that a truly loving God exists who would create an entire universe filled with intricacies that matter and that work so significantly together for our good. 

Much of the Christian world I have known has denied or, at the very least, downplays the significances of what we've been given in nature, often brushing it off as some kind of woo. If only more people would take a deeper look rather than dismissing it ... They are missing so much! 

I've heard it said most of my life that people who fall into such a category, of which I'd probably be included, were simply worshipping the creation over the Creator. That might be the case for some, but I'd argue it's not true of all. For me, personally, it's because of the awesomeness of creation and what science and the natural world has revealed that I've come to find a greater love and understanding of the Creator. 

When I look at all that's out there simply within plain sight ... clouds, blue skies, rainbows, sunsets, ocean waves, mountains, flowers, trees, birds and all kinds of other creatures. All that alone is quite magnificent. However, when I look more closely at how those things manifest, grow and exist, and THEN, add into that the intricate workings of the human body and mind and how we are able to interact with each other. How can I not see a loving God who gave such amazing gifts? 

That brings me to where I am with the quantum physics and what (little) I've learned about it so far. It's easy to see it as woo if you're only willing to take a peek from the outside, but start to scratch the surface of what it really is and combine that with anything you have experienced or known about the power of God, and WOW! It's literally left me mind blown. 

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." - Romans 1:20 (NIV)


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