30 Days with God - Day 3
Today, I want to focus on kindness. It seems to be following me around lately, and my hope is that it's because I'm giving it as much as I seem to be receiving it. 

Did you know the word kindness is mentioned dozens of times throughout scripture? If you include other words that include the act of kindness (giving), then it's many more times than that. Whenever I see something mentioned so much, it makes me think there is a really good reason for that. 

I would say most people wouldn't argue that kindness is an important value to have, and yet, it sometimes seems lacking in places in our world today. Even still, I believe enough people truly want to be kind and spread kindness in their circle of influence and beyond.

In my personal experience, I've discovered 2 very valuable concepts that seem to apply to almost any aspect of living: 

1) We find what we're seeking/where our focus is. If we're looking for it, especially for good reason, it will show up.  
2) The principle of reaping what we sow is very true, and in this case, I've found the more we give, the more we get (exponentially). It's as if we can't out-give in our lives. When we plant that seed in abundance freely, the harvest always comes in abundance as well. 

The art of practicing something like "acts of kindness" may seem small, but it's a great place to start. It's actually in the kindness of others that I started to uncover the kindness of God - something I struggled to find for years due to so many painful circumstances in my life. 

If you are struggling to see the goodness of God, I would encourage you to seek goodness (kindness) in people around you. It might be difficult at first, but I truly believe if you seek it, you will find it. 

"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." - Galatians 5:22-23a


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